Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ. For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight.
Ephesians 1:3,4


Daily Devotion – July 18, 2021

Devotion based on Ephesians 1:3,4

See series: Devotions

She drums her fingers nervously on the arm of the couch. Seated around the room are other young women, looking just as nervous as she feels. The sparsely furnished room looks like the dozens of others where she has waited and wondered. “Will they call my name?” is the question on every face in the room. This is not her first acting audition…but it might be her last. She cannot make ends meet for much longer. If her name is not called, she will have to head back to her hometown with her dreams of stardom left behind on the West Coast. “PLEASE,” she thinks, “Choose me!”

We have all been there. Perhaps not auditioning for an acting job, but we have all been in situations where we want to be chosen. It is thrilling when we are and devastating when we are not.

Every Christian can be certain that he or she has been chosen—not for a job, team, or promotion—but to be a child in God’s family. Unlike people being chosen for jobs, teams, or promotions, Christians were not chosen by God because they were better than others or more deserving than others. Quite the opposite. The Bible says that God chose us IN SPITE OF how undeserving we were. He chose us to show just how merciful and forgiving he is. Knowing that God has chosen to forgive us for Jesus’ sake, knowing that he has adopted us into his family, we can only marvel at how great God is.

Although it is exciting to be chosen for a team, job, or the lead role in a movie, nothing can compare to being chosen as God’s child. It means we have the almighty God on our side. Nothing can separate us from him. When we leave this world, our Father will welcome us into his eternal home.

Thank you, Father, for choosing me to be your child. I know that I do not deserve to be a member of your family. But knowing this only makes me more thankful. Help me this day to live as your child and bring honor to your name. Amen.

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